Our Story

Glory to God
In 1991 by the will of God, Apostle Kenneth Diggs and his family moved to Texas. God spoke to Apostle concerning a vision he had shown him some five years earlier. In 1993 God said “now is the time” start the church, it will be called Eternity Community Church (non denomination).
Apostle and Prophetess Diggs obeyed the voice of the Lord and founded this ministry. God has established a Ministry that believes in the leading of his spirit and anointing, offering an atmosphere of praise , worship, and the spoken word. We have seen many miracles, signs and wonders, lives have been changed, chains of bondage broken, all accomplished by faith in the Word of God.
The Lord has created a place where families can come and worship him in spirit and in truth. We believe God is sending into this house everyone needed to complete his vision, from the north, south, east and west.
Apostle Kenneth Diggs
Founding Pastor
Eternity Community Church (ECC) believes that Jesus Christ is the son of God, made flesh- came to earth, born of a Virgin, walked this earth for 33 years sinless. We believe he was crucified for our sins and in 3 days rose from the grave, victorious with all power in heaven and on earth. Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God making intercession for you and I.
We believe in all 66 books of the bible and base the word of God as our standard for living our daily Christian lives, as all scripture is inspired by God. We believe in the Trinity, the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost and we believe in Water Baptism. We believe only through Jesus Christ can we receive salvation.
We believe in love one to another and that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter and our guide and is essential in our being able to live a holy life. We believe without Holiness, no man shall see God. We believe that in the observance of the Last Supper-Holy Communion and we believe that Jesus Christ will return for his people.
Our vision for Eternity is according to Luke 4:18 and Matthew 11:5 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon this house because he has anointed us to complete what Jesus began. God has chosen Eternity to proclaim the good news "To All Nations".
As the souls enter into this house those who were blind (afflicted both naturally and spiritually) are able to see, those who were cripple are walking, people with skin diseases are cleansed, those who were deaf now hear, those who were dead are raised up. The poor have the good news proclaimed to them.
As souls enter into this house, because of the anointing miracles, signs and wonders will take place.
God is calling for the body of Christ to be in their perspective places, every gift, talent and anointing in operation. We must guide these souls to their destination ETERNITY.
Our Leadership &
Staff Team
Pastor's Team

Administrative Assistant

Operational Assistance

Elder, Men's Ministry

Eudora Logan

Pastor's Care

Coretta Lule
Women's Ministry
Worship & Arts Team

Choir Director

O.S.M. Director

Elder, Youth Pastor
Be A Part Of What God Is Doing...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship at 11am